GLC Integrity
GLC Integrity combines maternal breeding value, carcase quality, performance and calving ease. Clean of sheath, with excellent muscle design, profile and soundness, 27U moves extremely well and demonstrates early maturity and fertility. At fourteen months of age, he was collected and produced over 300 units of excellent quality semen. The characteristics exhibited by this herd sire are not surprising when one considers his sire and dam.
GLC Integrity, sire of 27U, is the leading Brangus carcase sire. A test of 690 carcasses from 35 Brangus sires of various types and bloodlines revealed the progeny of Integrity to be the most desirable for rib eye area, fat cover, marbling and dressing percentage. Easy calving is another of Integrity's attributes: average birth weight of 946 of his calves was 33.6 kg. Integrity also excelled in the show ring as Calf Champion Bull at the National Show of Merit in 1984.
Debutante, dam of 27U, is one of the most sought after cows in the Brangus breed and a leading donor in Granada's elite herd. She was a popular champion during her show career and was noted for her femininity, angularity, soundness and completeness of design. In her lifetime, she has produced 340 embryos and has been mated to eight different bulls. Herd sires have resulted from each mating.
As the search conintues for carcase/production oriented sires, we believe GLC Integrity 27U offers genetic predictability for carcase merit, as well as production traits.